Aktepe zeytin

Taste our products
We bring the products directly from the farmer to the table.

Originally the best quality
Where it all started
On the coastline of de Aegean Sea lays the city Ayvalık surrounded by olive trees. This region is famous for its olive trees, and superior quality of olive oil. The city has been surrounded by olive trees for more than thousand years. As far as your eyes can see you will see olive trees over every hill and mountain.
In the small village of Altınova lies an old Ottoman inn with a grinding mill build in 1888.
Since 1888 the family Şenşal are the proud owners and have been producing olive oil ever since at the Ottoman inn. The 5th generation and proud owner Aydin Şenşal brought the old Ottoman inn back to its original state and glory. Sticking to his family tradition he is committed to produce the finest extra virgin olive oil.
This natural extra virgine olive oil is for everyday use like cooking, salads and for a bread dip.


Real Region Organic Products
About us
Real-Region Organic Products or R-ROP
Okay, let's go back in time.
Where the man of the house used to work in the fields or elsewhere, mother took care of the work at home. At home, everything was renovated, cared for and made in our own environment. The milk came directly from the cow, the eggs from the chicken and fruits and vegetables were grown on the land. When you talk about it with older generations, they say “we had little, but that was good”.
The world has changed enormously, on average we can no longer get by on an income, over the years people have both started working to maintain the house. The roles have also changed, the man also participates in the household just as well. This leaves us less time for more important matters. Where the family comes together is still at the table. We have less time or we make less time for eating or preparing it. Above all, this must be prepared quickly and easily. We want to eat as natural and healthier as possible. Also want to know where our food comes from. That is the time of now.
Real-Region Organic Products wants to draw attention to this aspect. We want to provide clarity about our food. Where is it from? And how does it come about?
Every consumer has the right to information about food. But the honest story of this. What should one pay attention to? What can be made with it? We want to know all the useful tips.
Our quote is: “A day not eaten well is a day wasted”.
Good food starts with having the right products at home. Preferably regional and seasonal products. Everything has its time. Tomatoes, for example, are tastiest in the summer, due to sunlight. That is why the summer products are prepared for winter. Excess tomatoes can be mashed or dried on roof tiles. Ready for winter use.
Why do many products not show the correct origin or how it was made? How is it possible that a product is on our shelves in a different language within the EU? Actually, we don't know what we're buying. This can be different and, in our view, should be different.
My family
As a family we always brought food back from our own country when we were on holiday in Turkey. Frankly, I never understood this as a small child. I just thought “why are we taking this with us? Surely this is also available in the Netherlands”, there was a Turkish supermarket everywhere.
What all came back with it was for example: Olive oil and honey from my uncles. Bulgur and legumes like lentils and chickpeas from Grandpa's country. Dried tomatoes and herbs from grandma's vegetable garden. Pickled grape leaves. Homemade grape syrup. And this was not all. As a family, we took everything with us, which was homemade or grown ourselves, and then ate real regional organic products in the Netherlands, from our own region.
When friends and family came over and continued to eat, they always indicated to anne (mama) that the dish she prepared tasted different and tastier. Anne then told me that it was because she used her own organic products. And often gave a portion to the guests to take home.
Change times
As I mentioned earlier, times are changing. We no longer eat regionally, we don't even know what grows, flourishes or is grown in the region. The further south we are, the better the flavors of our food. Fewer regional products are brought back from abroad, because this is no longer so easy. This makes people dependent on the food industry and the products that can be found on the shelves of the local supermarket. Unfortunately this is not always of the best quality.
That's how I started R-ROP, Real-Region Organic Products.We bring the products from various regions directly from the farmer to you and tell the farmer's story about the product