Chateau Estoublon

Gold Awards
Estoublon Bouteillan
Estoublon Grossane
Estoublon Salonenque
Estoublon Aop Vallée Des Baux De Provence

At Dubai Olive Oil Competition
Early Harvest Edition 2024

Ultra Premium Olive Oils

Explore the Exquisite Legacy of French Olive Oil

France, a country rich in culture, history, and golden sunlight, is renowned globally for its exceptional olive oils. These precious oils are the result of age-old knowledge passed down through generations in a region where the olive tree is more than just a plant—it's a pivotal part of the cultural and agricultural heritage.

In 2024, this French olive oils was evaluated by the world's leading experts, forming an elite panel. Scoring between 80 to 100 out of 100, this olive oils has been designated as Ultra Premium Olive Oils. Winning a gold medals, this recognition affirms its status as ones of the top olive oils in the world.

This level of success is not accidental; it is the result of unwavering commitment to excellence and meticulous attention to detail, from the selection of the finest olives to the artistry of pressing them. It reflects a dedication to passion, perseverance, and precision.

Thanks to Best Olive Oils Store, this exceptional olive oil will soon be available in the most beautiful capitals of the world. You will find it in our stores and on our website. We invite you to continue your visit on this page to discover all the necessary information and fully enjoy the excellence of this olive oil.

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Welcome to Estoublon

In the heart of Provence, leaning against the southern slopes of the Alpilles, the Domaine d'Estoublon carries within it the heritage and even some vestiges of a Roman heritage of which the whole region is lavish. In this privileged environment, Château d'Estoublon has been passionately perpetuating the tradition of olive oils and exceptional wines since 1489.

The estate offers an experience to be lived at the Château to discover the warmth of the Provencal way of life, to take time and let go, alone, with your partner or family or as a family in the heart of an estate of over 200 hectares.

The Shop

At the Estate

The Château d'Estoublon offers, in the sumptuously restored setting of the former outbuildings of the property, a shop worthy of the biggest names, which combines high quality gastronomic products "from here and elsewhere". The grocery shop offers all the products that are produced on the estate: wines (white, rosé and red) and olive oils (PDO or single variety).

Located in the heart of the Alpilles massif since 1489, Château d'Estoublon is one of the great estates of the Baux-de-Provence appellation. On the south-facing limestone foothills, the 18-hectare vineyard includes many grape varieties: Grenache, Syrah, Cabernet-Sauvignon, Mourvèdre, Roussane and Marsanne, while 120 hectares of olive groves surround the Château.

From olives to oil

Historic activity of the estate, Estoublon olive oils have become one of the most renowned in the Vallée-des-Baux-de-Provence appellation. As with the wines, the different varieties of olives each play their own aromatic score. Bouteillan, Salonenque, Grossane, Béruguette and Picholine are all atypical and complementary, and are available in Estoublon as monovarietals as well as in blends.

Once harvested, each variety is the subject of a distinct and careful elaboration. The modern Estoublon oil mill allows a perfect traceability of each batch. The estate's teams fully exploit the potential of this unique technical tool in the region. This mill makes it possible to limit to 24 hours the time between the harvest and the final production of the oils, a key element in guaranteeing their aromatic quality.

The rare bottles of Château d'Estoublon have just been recognized as the best olive oils in the world by winning the most prestigious competition in the world: the New York International Olive Oil Competition.