Tenute Salmareggi
Tenute Salmareggi Awards
In the 1900s Agostino, one of Francesco's sons and our grandfather, came to own various farms along the valley near Assisi, Spello and Trevi. Agostino himself, as a notary and founding member, presided over the birth of the Cooperative Union of Direct Cultivators of Spello on 27 October 1947, still active today under the name UCCD Frantoio di Spello, of which our company is a member.

Tenute Salmareggi's History

We are the last generation of a family of agricultural entrepreneurs present for centuries in the Spoletina valley. Our ancestors have always passionately dedicated themselves to olive growing in the territories of Assisi, Spello, Foligno and Trevi, facing the vicissitudes and transformations that this activity has experienced over time. Today we take up the new challenges of the present, firmly rooted in our roots from which we draw inspiration to produce an extra virgin olive oil of excellence.
Tenute Salmareggi is the brand with which we cousins of the Eredi Mario Salmareggi farm promote and guarantee our extra virgin olive oil.
We are the last generation of a family of agricultural entrepreneurs present in Umbria for over three centuries, in love with this territory and its history.
Originally from the small medieval village of Salmaregia in the municipality of Nocera Umbra, our family has been present in the Spoleto valley since the seventeenth century: in addition to devoting themselves to productive agricultural activities (cereals, wine and oil above all) it is said our ancestors ran a mill in the countryside outside the walls of Spello, a town to which we have linked our history for generations.

Umbria boasts a centuries-old olive-growing tradition, still known and appreciated even outside the national territory, and it is no coincidence that in 2018 the FAO (Food & Agriculture Organization - UN) added the 9,212 hectares of the Spoleto valley (municipalities of Assisi, Spello, Foligno, Trevi, Campello sul Clitunno and Spoleto) with its 1,200,000 olive trees - the first Italian site - in the list of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) with the name of " Assisi - Spoleto olive belt " .
Tenute Salmareggi Product

One of the most beautiful areas of our olive grove is the so-called closed of the friars , at the edge of the property towards the north-west, just below the convent of the Capuchin Friars. Excellent exposure to sunlight, slight slope, well-drained soil, well-spaced plants, mostly of moraiolo, for an oil that has been said for generations to always be the best of all that produced.