Di Martino’s Farms
A stretch of olive trees caressed night and day by the wind of the sea. This is Masseria Schinosa.
The ancient Apulian estate, founded in 1647 in Trani, is today a reference point for the agricultural production of the entire Apulia region.
Over 28,000 olive trees, cared for with the meticulous attention of the Di Martino sisters, with advanced cultivation techniques and with a great love that time can’t stop.
A centuries-old oil.
My sisters and I inherited from our ancestors this land of majestic olive trees. We also inherited from them the passion, courage and stubbornness with which they have dealt with this territory since 1647.
Because to love a land also means sometimes to clash with it, it means to take on the difficulties and also to value the fruits.
Schinosa is the story of a love, of our love for the land and of the love of this land for its centuries-old olive trees.
Maria Francesca Di Martino
A story that deserves to be told. Like any love story.
Love does not like labels or restrictions. It does not want borders and does not know limits. This is why the great love for the land of the Di Martino family has extended, approaching new areas, towards new and ambitious goals. Not only oil, but also wine and many other precious products of the earth.

The choice to diversify its food production comes from the passion of the Di Martino family for the land and its finest fruits. The cereal-oriented company develops in Chieuti in the province of Foggia. Here cereals are grown, but also vegetables, legumes and tomatoes for industry. In this wonderful area near the sea the fields are surrounded by Mediterranean scrub and it is not rare to meet protected and valuable botanical species.
The Olives
The olive farm, in Trani, covers 176 hectares and has an ancient tradition. Most of these olive trees were planted by the ancestors of the current administrators. In the last 10 years, 15 hectares of olive groves of Peranzana, Nocellare, Bella di Spagna and Phicoline have been added to the 100-year-old Coratina cultivar, in an impeccable vegetative state.

The Mill
The need to create an independent oil mill in order to personally follow every phase of the processing of olives into oil has always been a fixed idea of the family. It is said that already in 1800 one oil mill was created inside the property even if for several events it never managed to be put into operation. Today the company boasts a splendid oil mill immersed in the evocative landscape of the Masseria Perpetua: a great source of pride but also a concrete way to check the purity of the oil from production to bottling.

Future and past
The mill, completed in 2015, symbolically represents the heart of the company. A refined and modern design building that integrates perfectly with the surrounding landscape rich in history and tradition. Capable of leaving everyone breathless, with its nearly 100 square meter dome made entirely of glass, Frantoio Schinosa also stands out for its cutting-edge technological equipment, capable of ensuring a product of the highest quality.
Cure and Safety
The extra virgin olive oil that is made in the Schinosa oil mill is 100% pure and free from contamination with oils produced by third parties. The control of each production phase allows to monitor in an automated and very accurate way the temperatures and the creaming times, thus ensuring an extraordinary product, perfect from every point of view. Here, the attention never ends: the extra virgin olive oil is stored in silos which are subsequently filled with nitrogen under pressure to avoid oxidation of the extra virgin olive oil and preserve its quality over time.

A look to the future
Schinosa extra virgin olive oil, cold extracted from native olives, contains all the charm of our land in its extraordinary flavor. Thanks to cutting-edge technologies and the wisdom of peasant tradition, our oil stands out for its genuineness, for its innate beneficial properties and for the richness of polyphenols and vitamin E.
Every olive tree it is like a member of our family. A father, a grandfather, a great-grandfather. We leave them the task of telling the story of our family in the world, through our centuries-old oil

Savour the excellence
All our products are processed and packaged in Italy and are 100% natural.
Not surprisingly, they have been awarded, recognized for their high quality and are appreciated worldwide.